Poulan, Roper & Sears Lawn Mower Replacement Blades
Attention Poulan & Husqvarna owners Most Poulan & Husqvarna part numbers are simply AYP numbers to which they added 531 or 532 in front. For example part number 532 14 65 27 is the same as 146527
193003, 174365 539107522, 532193003 Blade Bolt
1044R 65-233 Size: 1-7/8" OD, 5/8" ID 1/2" Thickness
179606 ID: 9/16" Height: 1-15/16" Width: 2"
189179, 421176 Blade Adapter
193707, 184590, 420097, 420097M, 418373, 184590, 420097, 418373 65-002
194037, 443950, 248701, 199105, 413039, 421248, 532443950, 581473501 Blade Adapter
421782 581473301 Blade Adapter
80104 84918 69226 87712 87711X004 65-300 fits our 20" & 22" blades with 5/8" center hole
850977, 33105, 193825, 532194825, 581547901, 532850977, 65-006 Size: 1" depth, 7/8"diameter.
851514 65-007 Size: 7/8" depth, 7/8"diameter.
193957 192555 Blade 38" cut 3 in 1
25321 9480 9480R 9484 9484H use 3 for 42" cut
106635 106635X 25034 25034R use 3 for 44" cut
95-607 Gator Mulcher 3 in 1
130652, 130652MS, 532130652, 95-006 use 3 for 44" cut
95-604 Gator Mulcher 3 in 1
145708, 152443, 163819, 95-045 use 3 for 46" cut mulching
1101823 1101823E701MA 7100851, 7100851AYP
157033 / 170698 176084 use 3 for 46" cut
95-614 Gator Mulcher 3 in 1
25322R, 25322, 9497R, 9485H, 95-011 USE 3 FOR 48" CUT
180054, 173290, 532180054, 95-062 use 3 for 48" cut
173921, Oregon 96-376 Gator Mulcher 3 in 1
121798 / 121798X use 3 for 50" cut
95-609 Gator Mulcher 3 in 1
127841 / 138496 use 2 for 36" cut
95-613 Gator Mulcher 3 in 1
1726453, 1726453A, 1708229, 1708229ASM 1708229SM, 1708229A, 1726453, 1726453A, 1726453ASM
75270 / 98111 25645 / 71285 105210 use 2 for 36" cut
110785X, 143969, 120262X, 126338X, 95-034
187254, 187255 187256, 112053 use 3 for 54" cut
95-605 Gator Mulcher 3 in 1
121263 / 123431 143978 / 532121263 532143978 use 2 for 38" cut
95-610 Gator Mulcher 3 in 1
127842 / 138497 use 2 for 38" cut
139774, 134148X, 134148M, 134148, 24692, 139744MS, 532134148, 532139774, 95-003
95-601 Gator Mulcher 3 in 1
25036 / 106634 106634X / 100669K 100669 / 24691 25036R / 3-32106634 use 2 for 38" cut
69229, 850972, 56400, 33203, 33204, 80204, 95-024 20" walk behind
145106 / 129277 131694 / 133346 134871 / 204340218 752233 / 532752233 20" walk behind mulcher
95-612 Gator Mulcher 3 in 1
159267, 95-071 21" walk behind
127843 / 138498 131323 / 138971 138791, 21546095 use 2 for 42" cut
139775 / 134149 133128 / 24676 422719 use 2 for 42" cut mulcher
134149, 139775, 422719 96-900 Same as above but Oregon Gator blade type
165833, 165833B 175064, 175064D, 189028 406712, 95-067 21" walk behind
422719,424752 532422719 532424752
165833, 175064, 175064D, 180459, 189028, 406712 406706, 176135 21" cut walk behind
752234 / 204335256 22" cut walk behind mulcher
95-042 22" walk behind mulcher
69334, 850973 22" cut walk behind, high lift blade
33214, 33219, 406713, 69334, 56401, 850973 22" cut walk behind
141114, 134768, 152202 157101, 406707, 700973 91333256, 91333269 22" walk behind mulcher
Gator Mulcher 3 in 1 141114, 134768, 152202 157101, 406707, 700973
406713, 192682 Used on PR6252SH, 961240001
406713, 192682 Gator Mulcher 3 in 1
421825 420463 Gator Mulcher 3 in 1
421825 420463 (non mulching)
405380, 532405380 Use 2 for 46", high lift, YTH2546, YTH2546XP, 2246LS, 2346XLS, Poulan 19546LT
403107 Use 2 for 46" cut MULCHING
405380, 532405380 Gator Mulcher 3-in-1
419274 532 41 92 74 532419274